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Grandparents - Your right to see your grandchildren

Are you a grandparent, supportive relative or close family friend, and denied the right to spend time with the children of a separated couple?

You have the right to continue the relationship you have had with the children of a separated couple. In fact it is imperative that the relationships children have had when the family unit was together, are maintained as much as possible. The aim is to avoid unnecessary disruption to the children's lives.  

This is encouraged through the Family Law Act. 

The Best way to have your Rights Recongnized

Do you know if a Parenting Plan is in place? The best way to ensure contact with your grandchildren / neices/ nephews or children of close frends who are separated and who have been an important part of your chidren's lives, is to have the negotiated arrangements written into a Parenting Plan. A Parenting Plan is established through the help of a trained Mediator or Family Dispute Practitioner who will assist the parties (parents, carers and signifcant others) to negotiate these arrangements. 

A parenting plan may already have been set up, but a new plan can be made to replace it. A Parenting Plan can also be submitted to the Family Court as Consent Orders. Then it becomes legally binding.

If you are a grandparent, carer or significant person in the child's life, contact us for a confidential and FREE 30 min discussion. We will help you work out what steps you can take to help. 

M: 0422 977 227 

E:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Read 3358 times Last modified on Wednesday, 17 August 2022 12:26
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